As I have gone around meeting many people - especially older people - over the past few months, I am reminded of what our great Liberal PM said how badly our pensioners have been treated in recent years. I believe older people, and when needed those who care for them, deserve a better deal. Liberal Democrats
will: -Introduce free long personal care for the elderly throughout the UK and abolish means testing. -On top of the government's plans, recruit a further 2000 police officers to ensure there is a real increase in police strength. Also fund 2000 part time community officers by creating a new category of police officers. -Invest more in the NHS to cut waiting times by training more doctors and nurses. Scrap charges for eye and dental check ups. Liberal Democrats will pay for these measures by raising the rate of tax from 40% to 50% for individuals earning over £100,000 per year. Labour now
boast that they are being financed, like the Tories, by millionaires
and not surprisingly they do not support our plans to increase
taxes for those who can afford to pay more to finance essential
additional investment in pensions, health and policing. |